BNM Interim Measures on Medical Takaful
We are fully committed to support BNM’s interim measures on medical Takaful. Kindly take note that this is applicable to policyholders impacted by medical revision effective 1 October 2024 onwards.
What are the Interim Measures?
Gradual Adjustments:
For affected policyholders, premium adjustments will be staggered over a minimum of three years. This means at least 80% of policyholders will see yearly premium adjustments of less than 10% annually.
Senior Support:
There will be a one-year pause on premium adjustment due to medical claims inflation for those aged 60 and above, covered under the minimum plan.
Certificate Reinstatement:
Customers who have surrendered or lapsed their policy from January 2024 to February 2025, due to medical revision, will be eligible for reinstatement without underwriting.
This option is available upon request from 15 January to 30 June 2025.
Alternative Plans:
To supplement the interim measures, insurers must develop an appropriate alternative product within the next one year that carefully considers the long-term affordability of medical coverage.
How do I find out about my new contribution and/or Tabarru' deduction?
You will receive updated notification pack detailing your new contribution and/or Tabarru' deduction depending on your certificate anniversary date. Please refer to timing below:
*Only applies to HE/HE+/HP. |
Where do I find my Certificate Anniversary Date?
The Certificate Anniversary Date is the date each year that marks the anniversary of when your certificate was first issued .
Log on to PruBSN Touch >> Go to Certificate Tab >> Click on the Certificate Number >> Read Inception Date
How do I create my PruBSN Touch account?
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For further assistance, certificate holders may reach out to our dedicated hotline at 03-2742 4060 (Monday to Friday, from 8.30am to 5.15pm), except on Public Holidays or
Link to BNM’s press statement: Interim measures to assist policyholders and to promote continued access to suitable medical and health insurance/takaful products - Bank Negara Malaysia
Link to BNM’s information on the interim measures: Interim Measures to Promote Continued Access to MHIT Products - Bank Negara Malaysia
Link to MTA's press statement: Insurance and Takaful Industry Introduces Interim Measures for Policyholders/Takaful Participants Impacted by Premium/Contribution Repricing
Link to MTAS’s FAQs: FAQ-Interim-Relief-Measures-20Dec2024-FinalVersion.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is my certificate impacted by these interim measures?
The interim measures are applicable to certificate holders impacted by the medical revision effective as per the table below.
Medical Revision |
Medical Plans |
Receive updated pack by end February 2025 |
Receive notification 30-90 days before the Effective Date |
Prubsn |
From 1 October 2024 onwards |
HealthEnrich+ (HE+) HealthEnrich (HE) HealthProtector (HP) |
October 2024 - March 2025 |
April 2025 - September 2025 |
From 1 November 2024 onwards |
Medic Protector (MP) |
November 2024 - March 2025 |
April 2025 - October 2025 |
From 1 December 2024 onwards |
Takaful Health2 (TH2) Takaful Health (TH) Major Medical Cover2 (MMC2) Major Medical Cover (MMC) |
December 2024 - March 2025 |
June 2025 - November 2025 |
The following plans are excluded from medical revision and are not impacted by BNM interim measures:
We will reach out to affected customers once we have details on how the interim measures affect their certificate and make the necessary adjustments.
2. I received a medical revision notification letter. What should I do?
We encourage you to continue paying your current contribution to ensure the sustainability of your plan(s). We will reach out to affected customers once we have details on how the interim measures affect your certificate and make the necessary adjustments.
Kindly take note that this is applicable to certificate holders impacted by medical revision effective 1 October 2024 onwards, as guided in Q1.
3. The medical revision notification letter mentioned a Special Medical Plan Campaign. Is this still applicable?
Before BNM announced the interim measures, we launched a Special Medical Plan Campaign to defer the start of the new contribution rates and Tabarru` deduction. This campaign is applicable for medical plan certificates undergoing medical repricing from 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024. We have extended the campaign to 28 February 2025, for customers with medical revision effective from 1 October 2024 to 28 February 2025.
We encourage customers to continue paying your current contribution to ensure the sustainability of your plan(s). We will reach out to you once we have clearer details on how the interim measures affect your certificate and make the necessary adjustments.
4. My contribution was adjusted between 1 January 2024 and 30 September 2024. Am I eligible under this interim measure?
BNM’s interim measures are only applicable to certificate holders impacted by medical revision effective 1 October 2024 onwards. You can refer to the table in Q1 for details on which certificates are eligible.
5. What happens if I have already paid the new contribution before these measures take effect? Will I get refunded and when?
If you are eligible under the interim measures, you will receive a refund on your contributions paid.
6. What is staggered/spreading out of contribution increases?
Staggered or spreading out of premium/takaful contribution increases is a flexibility offered to adjust the increase in contribution to a lower amount, distributed over a period of 3 or 5 years (depending on your medical plan). This is only a temporary relief measure to assist certificate holders in managing their contributions during this interim period. We will be reaching out to the affected certificate holders with more information.
7. Will my benefits be affected by this new measure?
No, your medical benefits, including coverage limits, remain unchanged.
8. How will these measures affect senior citizens aged 60 and above?
For customers aged 60 years old and above, who are covered under the minimum plan, there will be a one-year deferment of the incremental or the repriced amount. This means there will be no repricing for one year for eligible certificate holders, please refer to the table in Q1 for more details.
This one-year deferment on the adjustment or repriced amount does not apply to the contribution increase that results from a certificate holder moving up to a higher age band.
Please reach out to your PruBSN Takaful Consultant or Bank Representative to find out more on your plan.
9. I have not made a claim, why am I still being repriced?
Takaful relies on mutual assistance concept, with Tabarru` deductions pooled into a fund for future claims. To keep the fund sustainable amid increasing healthcare costs, adjustments to these deductions are needed. These revisions will impact all similar medical plans, regardless of individual claims history. This helps ensure that the fund can cover future claims for all certificate holders.
10. What are the other options available for me?
We offer several flexible options, including:
Options |
Details |
Change Co-Payment Options |
Lower your contribution by converting to other co-payment options (e.g., SmartSaver300 or SmartSaver1000) if applicable to your medical plan. |
Reduced Coverage Plan |
Revise your room & board (R&B) plan to a lower level (if applicable). Do ensure it still meets your medical protection needs. |
Switch Plan (if available) |
Consider switching to the latest available medical plan under the same certificate which meets your protection needs and affordability. |
Review Current Benefits |
Assess your certificate’s benefits to align with your current protection needs and affordability. Be aware that changes impact your protection. |
Adjust Target Coverage Term (for Investment-Linked certificates only) |
Shorten the target coverage term to match your needs and affordability. Note that this may affect the certificate’s ability to sustain Tabarru` deduction until the chosen expiry age. |
You may also contact your dedicated Wealth Planner / Takaful Consultant / Bank Representative for further advice and recommendations.
11. I surrendered/lapsed my certificate due to repricing. Can I reinstate/revive my certificate under these interim measures?
Where applicable, certificate holders who have surrendered or lapsed their certificate from January 2024 to February 2025, due to medical revision, will be eligible for reinstatement without underwriting.
This option is available upon request from 15 January to 30 June 2025.
For lapsed certificate:
Please fill up the Revival application form here and get in touch with your PruBSN Takaful Consultant or visit the nearest PruBSN Branches.
For Surrendered certificate:
Please submit your written requests to your PruBSN Takaful Consultant or visit the nearest PruBSN Branches.
Kindly ensure all payments are up to date.
12. What is the turnaround time for reinstatement?
Please allow us up to 10 working days to process your reinstatement request. Once approved, you will receive a notification letter from us.
13. How much am I required to pay to reinstate/revive my certificate?
There is no processing fee involved for reinstatement of your certificate. However, you are required to catch up and pay any outstanding contributions from date of surrender/lapsed of your certificate. For reinstatement, you are required to pay back the surrender value as usual.
Once your certificate has been reinstated, the new staggered contribution charges apply from 1 March 2025.
Please take note of the Waiting Period, as outlined in Q14.
14. Once I reinstate my certificate, is there any Waiting Period that applies?
Yes, there is a Waiting Period upon reinstatement for medical and critical illness (CI) riders as outlined in your certificate document.
15. Once my certificate has been reinstated, will my contribution remain the same as before or will it be the new staggered contribution?
Yes, the contribution amount remains the same. Additionally, the Special Medical Plan Campaign applies for eligible certificates with anniversaries from 1 October 2024 to 28 February 2025.
The staggered amount will take effect from 1 March 2025.