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Cashless Transaction for Kidney Dialysis

Experience a more seamless and convenient kidney dialysis treatment with our cashless services.

Find out more below.
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Cashless Transaction for Kidney Dialysis

What is cashless transaction for kidney dialysis?

This means that you won’t need to spend your own money upfront for treatments. PruBSN will cover all expenses directly with hospitals or treatment providers.

Click here to see full listing of our panel hospitals
that offer cashless transaction for kidney dialysis

Our Customer Is Our Compass

At PruBSN, we strive to provide valuable solutions that prioritize your needs. That’s why we are continually improving our services and constantly innovating to meet our customers’ expectations.

On top of being the first in the industry to offer cashless transactions for our kidney patients, below are more solutions which we are proud to offer our customers.

Other Solutions For You

Want to find out more?

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